Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Pendleton Oregon

This is the road that we come down Blue Mountain.  6% Incline

Working girls room in the brothel

Underground Chinese bunkhouse and jail

Chinese opium room where they lay down to smoke

Aug 24th (Tues)
We drove 90 miles today and we are in Pendleton Oregon on the Umatilla Indian Reservation at Wild Horse Casino.  We traveled down the Blue Mountains which were kind of steep.  When we arrived, we went thru the Tamastslikt Culture Center which is all about the Indians.  It was a lot of reading so I would rate it as fair.  We tried out the Casino and Ellen won $20.  The weather is nice and in the 80s with plenty of sun.

Aug 25th (Wed)
We are still in Pendleton and the temp is back up to 98 degrees.  This morning, we went to Pendleton Historic Underground.  It is all underground and was a place to drink and gamble.  There was also a brothel in the hotel over the Underground places.  There were 37 brothels in Pendleton which did not shut down until some time in the 60s.  It was also a place for the Chinese that worked on the railroad.  They lived there and even had their own jail.  We then went to the Pendleton Wool Outlet and watched them making Indians blankets.  They are very expensive.

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