Saturday, August 21, 2010

Baker City Oregon

This is the wood driven, narrow track steam engine

Dredge used to dig for gold

We visited this Interpretive Center today.  Very nice

This is the one mile road to the Interpretive Center

Look close and you can see how they pull these wagons today

Aug 21st (Sat)
Another warm day in the mid 90s but it has cooled off this evening and we have the windows open.  Trip meter reads 2757 so we drove 201 miles today and we are in Baker City Oregon at the Mountain View Holiday Trav-L-Park.  We took a long walk thru the Interpretive Center.   Very nice.

Aug 22nd (Sun)
The temp did not get above 70 degrees today.  Best day we have had in a month.  We went for a train ride on a wood driven, narrow track, steam engine.  The track is 36 instead of 48 ½ inches.  It was an open air ride and we saw a couple of deer.  You could ride inside but most stayed outside.  We also saw one of the dredges that they used to dig for gold.  Ellen and Carol fixed a nice pork loin dinner for everyone tonight.  Then we played a couple games of 31.

Aug 23rd (Mon)
Today was a day of rest. We drove around town but that was about it. The high temp was around 70 degrees again today.

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