Saturday, August 14, 2010

South Pass & Atlantic City

Big city. Population 5 but the Oregon Trail went thru here and later there was a gold mine

Atlantic City between Lander and the Continental Divide

Big city of South Pass.  I think the population is 7

This is the first Masonic Lodge in Wyoming.  Located in South Pass.

This restaurant is in Atlantic City.  We are there and they had an interesting menu.  Bill got a haircut here by the Crazy Lady.

Aug 14th (Sat)
The temp got below 50 last night and only got in the 70s today.  Spent the day traveling around Lander.  We went to South Pass in Sink Canyon and saw an old town and a gold mine.  They have the first Masonic Lodge in Wyoming which was in the jurisdiction of Nebraska.  From there, we traveled to Atlantic City which is another town that the emigrants traveled thru.  We ate dinner in Atlantic City and they had bull balls on the menu.  Interesting towns but there is nothing on the land.  No trees or grass.  In Atlantic City, we saw three deer run across the street.  There are a lot of Pronghorn Antelope in these hills.

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