Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Massacre Rock State Park

Snake River from Massacre Rock State Park

Geyser in Soda Springs Idaho

Aug 18th (Wed)
Trip reader at 2412, so we traveled 127 miles today. Still hot.  Reached 95 degrees today.  We stopped at Soda Springs Idaho where there is a geyser that goes off every hour on the hour.  It is carbon dioxide that mixes with water and sprays into the air.  They have it on a timer so it is controlled.  We stopped at Lava Hot Springs but the construction around the city was so bad we kept going.  We are now at Massacre Rocks State Park near American Falls Idaho.  We saw Register Rock where the emigrant camped and wrote their names on basalt boulders.  Bill, Carol and Ellen are visiting the Lander Road Ruts but they had to walk 1.6 miles so I stayed in the motorhome.

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