Monday, August 16, 2010

Montpeiler, Idaho

They don't waste anything here.  This is a chair

This is the Trail Center that we visited

Sign on the street in Montpelier where the bank is that was robbed

Aug 16th (Mon)
We traveled 115 miles today thru some very barren but beautiful country.  The camping spot tonight will be Montpelier Creek KOA.  The temp was cooler but still got close to 90 after we arrived in the park.  We went to the Oregon/California Trail Center which was three floors. First floor was the journey from Independence Missouri to the Oregon Territory.  The second floor was quilts and a lot of history reading and the basement was about trains and the old way to travel.  Most folks liked it but I am getting tired of reading.  We then drove into Montpelier and saw the Montpelier Bank that Butch Cassidy robbed and never got caught.

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