Sunday, August 8, 2010

Journal thru Aug 9, 2010


July 18th
Left Beavercreek and drove to Bowling Green Kentucky. 275 Miles. Temp about 90 degrees. Parked at WalMart for the night. Tornado watch until 10; 00 pm.

July 19th
Only drove 93 miles today. We are in Lebanon, Tenn in the Fair Ground and the temp was 96 degrees. That may be the low for the week. We had hot dogs and after that, we had ice cream sundaes and then the rain came.

July 20th
Sort of a lazy day. Temp got up to 100 degrees so we stayed in the AC most of the time.

July 21th
Another lazy day but it only reached 98 degrees today. We had some good entertainment tonight, the New Hope Quartette. The Tennessee Friendship Rally ended tonight. We are free until Sat night when the National NCT Rally starts.

July 22nd
Once again it hit 100 degrees. We went to Cookeville to see Sadie, my step-mother and took her out to lunch. We then went to Crossville to see Tony’s family. They sure are growing. Will try and add some pictures.

July 23rd
Just a little warmer today. I got to 102 degrees. We went to a bookstore in the Mall and then we went to Watertown. This is an old town and then we went to a Mexican Restaurant for lunch. To hot to do much.

July 24th
The temp was only 101 today. Did some sightseeing. ‘’Went to lunch at the #2 Cracker Barrel. It is the oldest one that is still operating. The first one is here in Lebanon but it is now a Citco Station. Also saw the headquarters of the Cracker Barrel. Had entertainment by Dan Long and Friends. Fairly good but the sound system was not great.

July 25th
Another warm day. Reached 104 today. Went to a six acre flea market just south of Lebanon. Entertainment tonight was fairly good but the sound system is not much improved. It was gospel music. They changed the start time from 7 pm to 8 pm so it was a bit cooler.

July 26th (Monday)
Another day at 100 degrees. Went to Cici’s for lunch. We had free tickets. Entertainment was fair with three men from Tennessee singing songs that they wrote.

July 27th (Tuesday)
Only got to 98 degrees today. Attended a couple of seminars on RV Maintenance and Odor Control. The youth had a talent show tonight.

July 28th (Wednesday)
Another day of 98 degrees. NCT had a parade which was very nice. Went to the Smokehouse for dinner. Excellent ribs.

July 29th (Thurs)
The temp reached 100 degrees again today. We had a nice dinner provided by the Past Presidents. After dinner, they gave our awards for crafts, games and other things. The Southwestern Buckeyes Chapter #1 received the 2nd place award for Chapter of the Year.

July 30th (Fri)
Do not know how warm it got today but somewhere in the nineties. Left Lebanon, went out I40 to Nashville, I24 up thru Paducah Kentucky, thru Illinois and then I64 to St Louis. Trip so far is 762 miles which means we traveled 394 miles today. We are in Warrenton Missouri which is just west of St Louis.

July 31st (Sat)
Arrived in Independence Missouri with a trip reading of 948 Miles which means we traveled 186 miles today. The temp is a little better. It is only 92 degrees today. We are at the Campus RV Park. Very nice park with full hook-ups. There are only 30 spaces but we have a good one. We visited the Community of Christ Church which is a break off from the Mormon Church. They believe that John Smith the third was the Prophet and not John Smith who organized the church. We also saw Harry Truman’s house.

August 1st (Sun)
Another day in the low 90s. We visited the Visitors Center for Mormons, the Community for Christ Auditorium, Community for Christ Headquarters, The Stone Church, Truman’s home and Library. The Community for Christ follows the Smith family and the Mormons follow the Brigham Young family. Different prophets.

August 2nd (Mon)
Back to 100 degrees again today. Took a trolley ride around Independence, visited the soda shop where Truman worked and went thru Truman’s home on Delaware Street. Pot Luck dinner tonight.

August 3rd (Tue)
Back up to 104 degrees today. I think the good Lord is giving me a test to see if I can handle this. Went on a wagon ride this morning which toured Independence. Very nice. Drove to the Truman farm which is about 20 miles from Independence at Grandview. Look at the pictures.

Aug 4th (Wed)
Trip reading is 1153 miles which means we traveled 205 miles today and stopped for the night at Riverside Park in Blue Rapids Kansas. It was around 90 degrees today but the humidity was very high so it was hot. We went to Marysville, KS to see the Home of the Pony Express. It only run for 18 months and then was replaced by the telegraph. We then visited the Hollenberg Station which was a Pony Express Station. We also visited Alcove Springs where the travelers got fresh water. There are still ruts left from the wagon and mules.

Aug 5th (Thurs)
Trip reading is 1338 miles which means we traveled 185 miles today. Not as hot today but still around 90 degrees. Stopped in route at Rock Creek Station which was a stage and pony express stations on the Oregon Trail. Many deep ruts still showing from the wagons. Might have been forgotten but that was the place that Will Bill Hickok killed his first man. Took a picture of a mochila which is what the Pony Express used to carry the mail. It had four pockets with three being locked for long distant mail and one open for local mail. Then on the Minden NE at the Pioneer Village RV Park with full hookups. During the afternoon, we traveled to Fort Kearny State Historical Park. It was the first fort built to protect the travelers on the Oregon Trail. It was also a stage coach and pony express station. Then back to camp where we had a nice rain. Hope it cools thing a little.

Aug 6th (Fri)
Cooler today, low 90s and the humidity is down. This morning, we traveled to the Great Platte River Road Archway Monument. The Archway spans I-80 and is an outstanding display of life on the trails west. Many pictures. This afternoon, we visited the Harold Warp Pioneer Village which shows man’s progress since 1830. It has over 50,000 items on display like cars, farm equipment, appliances etc. Look it up on the internet.

Aug 7th (Sat)
Another hot one. I saw 99 degrees. We are camping at Holiday Park in North Platte Nebraska.  During the afternoon we visited the ranch of Buffalo Bill Cody, who was a mason and received the degrees in Chapter and Commandery. Nice ranch named the Scout’s Rest Stock Ranch. Nice home with a hugh barn where he keep his animals, live buffaloes.

Aug 8th (Sun)
Trip reading is now 1638 miles so we traveled 183 miles today. On the way, we stopped at the Ash Hollow State Park and Windlass Hill. Some of them walked down a trail to a cave where the folks on the Oregon Trail stopped. We saw many wagon ruts left by the travelers. We arrived in Bayard NE at the Oregon Trail Wagon Train RV Park. If first impression counts, we would be heading for home. The road was the roughest that I have ever seen. All dirt and the dust was awful. The camp ground is not maintained very well but we got hooked up and everything got better. We had a little wagon ride and then dinner. The coffee was made over an open fire, potatoes cooked in a huge vat, bread cooked in an outdoor vat and the steaks were cooked over an open fire. Turned out very nice.

Aug 9th (Mon) It is still warm. Probably around 90. We went for a wagon ride that took over three hours. The Wagon Master was Murph and his helper was Tim. The ladies got to drive the wagon and they loved it. We followed trails from the campground to Chimney Rock. This is private land so not a tourist trap. When we arrived at the edge of the mountain, most of the travelers took a walk around the Chimney Rock. I did not go. It was very rugged. After lunch, we traveled to Scotts Bluff, NE and drove to the top of the bluff. It is a beautiful sight. I will put some pictures in later tonight.

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