Thursday, October 11, 2012

Hot Air Balloon Festival 2012, Van Wert

 The NCT Southwestern Buckeyes Chapter #1 met in Van Wert for the Hot Air Festival on Sept 6 thru Sept 9.  We were joined by West Central Chapter #92 for the weekend.  When we arrived, it was raining and  we had trouble getting into the parking space.  It did get better but they were never able to lift off.  I think there were 19 balloons there and some from as far away as Arizona.  The Balloon Glow was nice where they brought them onto the field and lit them up for everyone.  After that, we had great fireworks.  As usual, there was several get togethers for food and plenty of it.  Great weekend, even if the weather did not cooperate.
 Balloon Glow





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