Monday, July 8, 2013

NCT Camping Lively Lady

Southwestern Buckeyes Chapter #1 campout at Lively Lady in Aberdeen Ohio on July 3-7 July 2013
Entrance with Julie is back.  That is the cook.  Great meals.
This the shelter where we spent a lot of time because it rained hard from Wednesday thru Saturday.
Carol Brauer and Ellen Vaughn in Ripley on Front St. by the Ohio River.

Underground Railroad on Ohio River

Underground Railroad house.

Back of Underground Railroad house to Ohio River.


Loading the ferry to cross the Ohio River in Ripley.

Loading ferry.

Vaughns, Washburns and Baileys with 4 other couples at the General Store Restaurant in Augusta KY.

Bob Bailey in front of the General Store Restaurant.

Standing: Bob Bailey, Ron Ullery, Phyllis Ullery, Bill Brauer, Carol Brauer, Charlotte Balcom, Lionel Balcom, Rodney Washburn, Russ Worley,  Seated: Ellen Vaughn, Beecher Vaughn, Pan Worley, Sue Washburn.

Millers Amish Store.  Great food.  Ellen, Bill and Carol.

Coming home from Millers, the road was covered with water.

Bob and Rita Bailey, our hosts for the campout.  Cooking hotdogs.

From shelter house.  Barge in Ohio River.

Southwestern Buckeyes meeting with Bill Brauer MOT,  Ellen Vaughn Secy and Lionel Balcom WM

Restaurant and Bar for Lively Lady

Barge on Ohio River.

Beautiful rainbow after one of the rains.

Front Street where the murals were painted.

Old bridge to Maysville.

Murals in Maysville.

Masonic Lodge in Maysville.

Post Office in Washington KY still operating.

First Postal Station in KY before it was a state.

Harriet Beecher Stowe Museum.

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