Saturday, November 17, 2012

Rattlesnake Saloon in Tuscumbia

This is an very unusual place. They have a pickup truck with benches in the back to take you down to the Saloon.  The Saloon is in a cave.  They have a small place inside when the weather is cool but they have a hugh place outside under the rocks with a place for a band.  Only open on Thurs, Fri, and Saturday.  Also only open from April thru November.
This is the bar and restaurant used for cooler times.
This shows the stone above the restaurant and the walkway over to another party area.

This is part of the outdoor bar.  The bandstand is on the right in the back.
This is the party room under the cliff.  Bandstand in the back and the restaurant on the left.
This is the outdoor pravilian.  The picture was taken standing over the bar and restrooms for the outside.
This is the Saloon Taxi that takes most people down to the restaurant.  The road goes up on the left of the picture.
There is a walkway above the restaurant.  There are also chairs and tables on this level for small groups to sit and talk.  Great views from any level.

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