Sunday, October 20, 2013

NCT Campout at Greenville

Perfect weather for a campout at Greenville on 10-16 October 2013.  Beautiful days and a little cool at night, just right for a campfire.  The sun flowers are in Yellow Springs and there is a bee on the first picture.

Our host for the Campout.  Lionel and Charlotte Balcom.
Charlotte carving the turkey for the meal.
Balcom's cooker for cooking the turkey.
Ken and Judy Kauffman and Lionel Balcom.
Bill and Carol Brauer
Ken and Judy Kauffman and Lionel Balcom
Charlotte Balcom and Larry and Kathy, our guests.
Ellen Vaughn and Rita Bailey.
Jack-O-Lanterns lined up for judging.
The winner was Cinderalla Carriage by Carol Brauer
Great work.
Looks great.
Carol Brauer with the winning trophy.
Firebox provided by Bob Bailey and wood provided by Ken Kauffman.
Enjoying the perfect day.
More of the same.
Cooler in the evening.