Sunday, November 25, 2012

Lakemont Ridge, Frostproof Florida

This is the back of our lot when we arrived on Friday 23 Nov 2012.   Ellen planted this flower last year and look at it now.  Beautiful.   Sure is nice to be in warm weather.

Slideout floor in Red Bay

This is where they replaced to floor in my slideout in Red Bay.  They take the whole slideout out and replace the plywood floor with aluminum floor and then put her back.  All this took place the day before Thanksgiving.   Thanksgiving Day we headed for Florida.
Big hoist to remove the slideout
Hanging out
with the slideout missing.
No floor

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Swamp Johns near Red Bay, Al

This is a very popular place for breakfast.  Just good ole southern cooking.

Helen Keller's Birthplace

This is the home where Helen Keller was born.  She lost her sight and hearing at a very young age.
Not easy to read but it lists her parents.

Rattlesnake Saloon in Tuscumbia

This is an very unusual place. They have a pickup truck with benches in the back to take you down to the Saloon.  The Saloon is in a cave.  They have a small place inside when the weather is cool but they have a hugh place outside under the rocks with a place for a band.  Only open on Thurs, Fri, and Saturday.  Also only open from April thru November.
This is the bar and restaurant used for cooler times.
This shows the stone above the restaurant and the walkway over to another party area.

This is part of the outdoor bar.  The bandstand is on the right in the back.
This is the party room under the cliff.  Bandstand in the back and the restaurant on the left.
This is the outdoor pravilian.  The picture was taken standing over the bar and restrooms for the outside.
This is the Saloon Taxi that takes most people down to the restaurant.  The road goes up on the left of the picture.
There is a walkway above the restaurant.  There are also chairs and tables on this level for small groups to sit and talk.  Great views from any level.

Coon Dog Cemetery in Red Bay, Al

Coon Dog Cemetery near Red Bay, Al.  Started about 1937 by a coon dog lover from Tennessee.  Still going strong.  They have a big party once a year and coon dog lover come from all over the states.
This is the graves decorated for the get together.  Several new graves this year.  Shelter in background for meeting. 
All kinds of grave markers.  Some are very outstanding.
The building in the back is the ladies restroom.  Nothing but first class here.

Speedy Pig in Russellville, Al

Had dinner on 17 Nov at the Speedy Pig in Russellville.  Good BarBQue.  This is about 25 miles east of Red Bay.   Good food.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Tiffin Factory, Red Bay Alabama

Here we are in Red Bay.  We got here on the 1st of November.  Still waiting for some service.  They fixed my antenna, both of them, and now I can watch Fox News.  They checked the floor in the slide out and said that the floor needs replacing.  Also the floor under the tanks where you fill up with water and dump the tanks.  You just get in line and wait until they get to you.  This picture shows the line-up of RVs in the lot.  They have around 100 sites with full hookups.  Still cool here.  Gets up to around 60 in the daytime and about 40 at night.  Would love to be in Florida.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Florida Bound

Yes that is snow.  We left Tomorrow's Stars on 30 October with the temp in the 20s and some snow.  That wasn't bad but the wind gusts were between 40 and 50 MPH.  We spent  the night in Cincinnati at Cummins Bridgeway where it got down to 29 degrees.  They serviced the engine Wed morning and we headed for the South.  Spent the night of 31 Oct in Camping World in Bowling Green Kentucky where it got down in the 20s again but not as much wind.
Spent the day (1 Nov) driving to Alabama.  Weather is better.  I think the temp got up in the 70s with the sun shinning and very little wind.
This is at the Welcome Center going into Alabama.  I think this is the Red Stone Rocket.  Arrived at Tiffin in Red Bay Alabama and the place is full.  Dry Camp for a couple of days and then we get full hook-ups.