Monday, August 18, 2014

Chapter #1 at Poor Farmers 8 August 2014

Southwestern Buckeyes #1 had a campout at Poor Farmers with six rigs and one drive in.  The campers were Bill and Carol Brauer, Bob and Rita Bailey, Lionel and Charlotte Balcom, Larry and Barbara Slusser, Larry and Lois Powers and Beecher and Ellen Vaughn.  Sara Roberts came out on Saturday for the day.

Lionel Balcom, Bob Bailey, Larry Powers,  Larry Slusser.

Larry Powers and Larry Slusser

Rita Bailey, Lois Powers and Ellen Vaughn playing dominoes.

Barbara Slusser, Carol Braues and Charlotte Balcom

Carvings by Jim Foster.  All the below carving were complete carved by Jim.  He is a friend of Barbs and came out and gave us a demonstration.  

All of  the carvings below started with three bass boards.  Each one is carved and then placed together.  What an artist in 3D.

Jim Foster and Barb Slusser

Sara Roberts

Jim Foster the carver

NCT National Rally Centre Hall PA 20 July 2014

While at the National Rally, we took a tour of the Masonic Temple in Philadelphia. Beautiful building in downtown.  The Grand Master from PA and West Virginia attended the opening.

I was standing in front of the Masonic Temple.

The first Supreme Court.

Independence Hall.

The bus we rode to Philadelphia. 

, David Vassar, John Groves and Bill Malone

Memorial Services.

Pet Parade

That is a cat in the stroller.

Excellent place to eat.  Handles on the door below.

Janet and Larry Aylestock, John Groves.

The youth held a court and that is Andy being sentenced.

Yes we got TPed.

Our new President, Jack Mulhall.

NCT Closing