Saturday, March 2, 2013

Florida Winter Samboree at Rodeheaver Boys Ranch

Bill and Carol Brauer and the Vaughns attended the 2013 Winter Samboree at Rodeheaver Boys Ranch at Palatka Florida on Feb 26th thru Mar 3rd.  There were around 300 rigs there with over 50 first time visitors.  We were received by the State Director, Joe and Debbie Weston and his state staff in a very friendly manner.  The State Director and his staff were beside the road when we left waving everyone goodbye.  Outstanding Rally
 Entrance to the Boys Ranch
 This is Butterfly Island where we received the Fuzzy Pucker Initiation.  It was a fun degree and everyone enjoy the degree.
 This is out on the Island where we received the degree.
 On Butterfly Island they have butterfly homes.  This is one of them.
 This was part of the entertainment one day.  They played these instruments for about an hour and they were very unique.
 This is the leader who played the washboard.
 I do not know what you call this instrument but there were several of them in the band.
 This is the washboard with bells and clapper and tin cans to make music.
 There were several games played.  Beecher Vaughn and Bill Brauer played in the Euchre Tournement and Beecher won first place and Bill took second place.  Ellen Vaughn and Carol Brauer played Chicken Foot Dominos and Carol got second place.  Bill, Carol and Ellen played Bean Bag Baseball but lost the first game.  They had another interesting game called Holey Board which was a washer game with the board having three holes.  Bill, Carol and Ellen played Bocci Ball and went to the third round but then got beat.  This is the picture above.
We went out to dinner twice.  Once at Corky Bells and once at Musselwhites.  Both excellent food.  The above picture of Bill and Carol Brauer at Musselwhites Restaurant. 
 This is Musselwhites Restaurant.
 We had some very good entertainment.  On Wednesday Evening we were entertained by Homer Stiles who was a singer.  On Friday Evening we were entertained by a band called the Mid-Life Crisis from the Purdue Indiana area.  On Saturday Evening we were entertained by Sarah Getto pictured above and below.  She is 29 and was born blind and the top of her mouth was missing.  Her lip was on the end of her nose.  With surgery they did wonders and she look great now.  She attnded school and received a degree in music.  She could sing like several stars and did great.  Great entertainment.
All in all, a great rally.  On Wednesday morning we had coffee and sausage bisquit.  On Thursday morning we had coffee and donuts.  Thursday noon we had a hot dog lunch.  Friday morning, we had coffee and sausage gravy and biscuits.  Friday noon we had BBQ sandwiches and then an ice cream social followed by a flea marker in the middle of the building.  Saturday morning we had coffee and donuts and for lunch we had meatball subs.    Great rally and we were treated as VIPs for the whole rally.  They had a hard rain before we arrived but when we got there the sun was out and the sun shinned for the whole rally.  It was cold a couple of nights but the days were wonderful.