Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Visit to Useppa Island with the family

Had a wonderful day at Sanibel Island.  Drove down to Sanibel on Monday evening, 11 Feb 2013, to visit with Glen and Chandra also Gail and Terry.  We spent all day Tuesday visiting Useppa Island.  We rode a boat for over an hour going to the island.  We dropped off a group of tourists at Cabbage Key and then went on to Useppa Island where we had lunch.
I think this is a banyon tree on Useppa Island.  There are no cars on the island. 
 I was standing on the porch of the restaurant where we ate.
This is inside the restaurant.  Terry Sanner, Gail Vaughn, Glen Vaughn, Chandra Vaughn and Ellen Vaughn.  We had a wonderful meal. 

This is a turtle that was going down the walk. It was about a foot in diameter. 
 This is where we docked at Useppa Island.

If you look close, there is a bird on every post. 
This is the restaurant on Cabbage Key Island. 

Tried to get a picture of the dolphins that were following the boat. 
Look close.  There is a dolphin in the picture.
We had almost a perfect day.  We left to go home and Terry took Gail down on the beach to see the sunset and while they were there, he proposed to her and asked her to marry him.  We are very pleased.  Looking forward to a wonderful future.