Monday, August 27, 2012

NCT at Poor Farmers Aug 2012

Monthly campout for Southwestern Buckeyes #1 at Poor Farmers Campground in Fletcher Ohio.  Beautiful weekend with no rain. On Thursday we went to a Chinese Restaurant Buffet in Piqua. We went out to eat in Urbana at the Farmers Daughter on Friday.   Lionel tried to get the Farmer's Daughter but failed.  We had a carry in meal on Saturday with Barbara providing the hot chicken sandwiches and Sunday morning, the Balcoms cooked pancakes for everyone.  We enjoyed card games such as 31 and golf.  I think the new name for golf is Oh S***.  We ended the weekend with a great ice cream cake that Barbara Slusser provided.  The Slussers were great hosts for the weekend.

MOT Bill Brauer, Wagon Master Lionel Balcom during the meeting where we discussed the campout for 2013 which the Wagon Master has scheduled.  Great job, Lionel.
MOT Bill Brauer w/Carol Brauer and Ellen Vaughn in background
MOT and Wagon Master w/Larry Slusser, Charlotte Balcom and Barbara Slusser

Carol Brauer and Ellen Vaughn,  Carol had both hips replaced about two weeks ago

Carol Brauer out for a walk, isn't she doing great
Gail Vaughn, our daughter and Ellen Vaughn. Gail and Terry Sanner came to visit us on Saturday.

Larry Slusser and Barbara Slusser during a BS session.  We did not have any duct tape.

Lionel Balcom, Charlotte Balcom, Barbara Slusser, Larry Slusser with Ellen Vaughn in the background

Lionel Balcom cooking breakfast for the Chapter Members

Monday, August 13, 2012

Pier Lon for high school reunion, Michigan Rally

Pier Lon Park in Medina, Ohio.  We parked there while we attended Ellen's class reunion.

Four of the six cheerleaders from Granger Sharon.  Mary Burg, Marilyn Dickinson, Doris Swain, Ellen Vaughn

Ellen's classmates

Ellen and her sister Janet Renner.

Eating out at Fritz's Restaurant in Frankenmuth, MI

Award ceremony and yes Ohio beat Michigan again in bean bag baseball.

Good entertainment for the evening.

This is the campground we stayed at. Very nice